Wednesday, October 27, 2004


In 1978 the legendary TV-series Dallas started. J.R., miss Elly, Bobby, Jock, Sue Ellen, Pamela Barnes Ewing, Cliff Barnes are some of the characters.
Next month a DVD with the first episodes will be released.
On my work we had at lunch a sort of trivia. It's amazing how many trivial question one can get out of such a series. Also how people still know after 20 years what went on in Dallas. And now people work on Dallas-the movie. Arghhh, don't do that, you ruin -nostalgia-

Today I worked, had a break, worked, had a coffee break, worked, looked out of the window and noticed it was time to go.

In the late afternoon I cycled for an hour. It was about 12 degrees C, the wind was east, a dry cold wind, and it was largely cloudy.

31.52 k
31.44 k/hr
1.00.12 hr
42 k/hr (max)
456 k (total new bike)

27,060 k (total)

After cycling and going to the groceries I made dinner, delicious again (Argentinian beef with pasta and a salad of cumcumber, tomatoes and iceberg-lettuce. As a dessert I had a tee with chocolate.)

1 comment:

Ocean said...

Hi Jan,

I like Argantinian food too. Thanks for reading my weblog and your good comments.
