Sunday, October 24, 2004

No price and no prize

At 11 am all riders of cycleteam Ledig Erf joined at the café. From there we cycled to the track were the time trial should take place. First we rode the track all together. Only 4 turns and 2 crossings.
When the startlist was made up we could start.
I was 15 th in line and after 15 minutes it was my turn to go.
I missed the third turn and when I noticed it was about 800 meters later. So I cycled at least 1500 meters too much. When I told it the referee said it was possible to cycle again. No way, I told him. But when the last riders of the doubles (2 riders in a team) were started 40 minutes later I could have another chance. I took that chance and instead the 21.38 I did the track (10.1 kilometer) in 18.21.
This means an average of 33.02 kilometer an hour. That's satisfactory.
I thanked for the honour of the nomination for the prize for most bad luck.

After the statistics of today I can only guess;
65 k
26 k/hr
2.5 hours
47 k/hr

buenos diaz,

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