Wednesday, October 06, 2004

speed things up

My day started at 7 am. I had to speed things up to be on time on the appointment I made with my doctor. On my way to the doc I had an accident, the second in 3 weeks. The result was the same. A bent in my bike's last wheel. Again I had to go to the cycle store to have my cycle been repaired. This time a lawyer didn't look out when he turned left. The same ritual; the driver made his excuse and told me the collision was his fault. Only after 5 minutes a policeman (on a bike, this is Holland) arrived. The driver and I almost agreed that no insurance was necessary. He would pay the damage. It just a wheel (Euro 68,=)
But can I ask myself what's the matter with me, why do I have so many accidents?
Is it cause I'm so much on the road (10,000 K or more), or cause I don't drive defensively? Is it cause I'm an angry man riding with insanity and without responsibility? These questions give a hint. Yes it's partly true.

After this whole show I went to the doctor. I told him my problem and after asking some questions and double checking it was clear that an appointment with a neurology doctor should be made.

Well after work the weather was fine so I could ride again.
This are the stats (other/different speedmeter):

16.22 kilometers
30.41 kilometer/hour
32.02 minutes
47 maximum speed k/hr
23 total distance so far in k.

The weather is very nasty at the moment.

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