Sunday, October 03, 2004

No cycling this week?

With the sounds and visuals of the demo and Van Gogh and Manet I woke up. It was early but listening to the radio I saw the first glimpse of the sun, shadows of leaves telling me "stay in bed, stay a some time and enjoy the last moment of me. Next week I'm going on holiday to Spain."
Le temp trieste, no sun, only rain and stormy weather. A large depression will let the leaves fall.

At the end of this month the clock will be set back one hour. Wintertime will be back. Stormywinter will reign. That's what my nick is about. One time last winter the wind was blowing around the house and high tones whistled through the narrow cracks in the ventilation system. I was tired of stormyweather. I created my emailaddress.
Like Caren I l love extreme weather. In her webblog she told,
I do love seeing nature's fury, when the sky turns charcoal and green and the winds toss the traffic lights and the rain creates pools of reflection in the street. Sometimes it's nice to walk around in a storm and be reminded of the power of this world you might be lucky enough to inhabit for 70-80 years

One can link that with a lovely painting of Edouard Manet. A view from the beach in France with a waterspout at sea approaching the beach. One can see the seawater soaked up and falling down.

It's getting cloudy, maybe I'll go out to cycle a short distance on my own.
When the weather will get worse there will be no cycling this week on my new bike.

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